Harmony with
nature in the city
Mežaparka Village ir 50 jauni mājokļi cilvēkiem, kuri sapņo dzīvot tuvu dabai, saglabājot saikni ar pilsētu. To veido divas daudzdzīvokļu ēkas ar 42 dzīvokļis un astoņas rindu mājas. Dzīvokļi pieejami ar platībām no 24 līdz 96 m2, savukārt māju platību sasniedz 110m2. Visi mājokļi ir ar pilnu apdari – parketa grīdām, kvalitatīviu santehniku un flīzēm.
Extensive recreational opportunities and the proximity of the forest in combination with the advantages of a city make Mežaparks Village a place that will be appreciated by practitioners of a healthy lifestyle and art lovers, as well as young couples and families. We believe that thanks to the small number of homes and the cozy and well-maintained surroundings of the village, this will be the home of a friendly community of residents.
It is important to consider the human scale for one’s environment, to make it simple, unpretentious, profound and sustainable. Ansis
Paeglitis Architect, Teeja arhitekti
In need of funds?
Look into your credit rating to get a mortgage for your home in Mežaparks Village at one of our partner banks.